The Master Healers Bracelet

Crystal combination really matters! That is why we always pay attention to what crystals we are working with or wearing at the same time to achieve the best results.

Amethysts are linked to thre#e chakras, or energy centers along your spine; Sacral chakra, Third Eye chakra, and Crown chakra. That is why Moonstone is a powerful balancing gem and a sacred crystal. Are you wearing Amethyst Jewelry or using Amethyst high vibration crystals for balancing, luck, birthstone, chakra intuition, and a better meditation? Then you need to know that this amazing stone when combined Clear Quartz provide magical results to make you feel better.

Combining Amethyst with a Crown chakra stone, Clear Quartz, has healing properties. This combination has a calming and soothing action, as Amethyst is calming. It also regulates your energy because of the Clear Quartz vibration as a powerful stone.

This crystal pair just have to touch your skin!


-Material: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Swarowski charm and Hematite spacer beads in silver.

-Size: 17 cm. It can be made in any color and size you want.

Amethyst: spiritual healing aspect: sobriety, purity, composure, calm. It peps up the subconscious in cases of perpetual tiredness, resolves persistent anxiety. It helps the mind to overcome habitual tendencies and addictions. Physical benefits: good for the lungs, large intestine and skin; alleviates itching and sunburn

Clear Quartz: spiritual aspect: clarity, and neutrality. It strengthens personal point of view, and improves memory. It improves perceptive faculty, increases awareness and brings clarity in thinking. Physical benefits: enhances energy flow; fortifies nerves, brain, glands; alleviates pain and swellings.

169,00 kr